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State Agencies

National Heroes Council

The National Heroes Council is a State Corporation established by the Kenya Heroes Act No 5 of 2014 in accordance with the State Corporation Act (CAP. 446), Ministry of Gender, Culture, the Arts and Heritage in the State Department for Culture, the Arts and Heritage.

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Kenya National Archives and Documentation Services

The Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service was officially established by an Act of Parliament in 1965 which tasked it with management of all public records. It was revised in 1990 to incorporate the National Documentation and Information Retrieval Service, created to cater for government publications and other generally circulated documents.

The KNADS is placed under the Ministry of Gender, Culture, the Arts and Heritage, specifically the State Department for Culture, the Arts and Heritage. It has branches in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Kakamega, and Nyeri. 

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National Museums of Kenya

National Museums of Kenya (NMK) is a state corporation established by an Act of Parliament, the Museums and Heritage Act 2006. NMK is a multi-disciplinary institution whose role is to collect, preserve, study, document and present Kenya’s past and present cultural and natural heritage. This is for the purposes of enhancing knowledge, appreciation, respect and sustainable utilization of these resources for the benefit of Kenya and the world, for now and posterity.

NMK’s mutual concern for the welfare of mankind and the conservation of the biological diversity of the East African region and that of the entire planet demands success in such efforts. In addition, NMK manages many Regional Museums, Sites and Monuments of national and international importance alongside priceless collections of Kenya’s living cultural and natural heritage. As an institution that must respond to the growing needs of the society, NMK is striving to contribute in a unique way to the task of national development.

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Bomas of Kenya

Bomas of Kenya was started by the Government of Kenya in 1971 as wholly owned subsidiary of the Tourism Finance Corporation (TFC) the Company was established to Preserve, Maintain and Promote the Rich Diverse cultural values of various ethnic groups of Kenya and to act as a tourist attraction centre thus Bomas of Kenya is expected to preserve the authenticity of the Kenya’s Cultural values and to portray them in the pure form.

With the current growing interest in cultural heritage, growth in cultural tourism has increased a positive worldview of the importance of cultural resources as a tool for creating economic development while preserving cultural resources. As the premier institution in cultural resources preservation and management, Bomas of Kenya is bound to play a bigger role in the development and promotion of cultural tourism in Kenya.

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Ushanga Kenya Initiative

Ushanga Kenya is a national initiative that was established back in 2017. This initiative aims to create jobs and transformation for the living standards for the pastoralist women through the commercialization of beadwork which has otherwise been a traditional activity with little economic benefit to the communities.

The initiative seeks to strengthen the business and production capacity for women and youth as well as improve the competitiveness for bead products in the local, regional, and international markets for sustainable livelihoods, this can be achieved through the formation of cooperatives where the women join efforts to make the products more efficiently, more so the initiative seeks to protect the intellectual property of the communities practicing beadwork and preserve the bead culture by setting up channels that directly link the women to the buyers and monitoring any illegal activities taking place on behalf of the women.

By strengthening the business and production capacity for women, the Ushanga model is anchored on mobilizing women into organized cooperative groups, providing infrastructure for production, and facilitating competitive access to local, regional, and international markets through new designs, beading techniques, product finishings, and marketing.

The bottom-up economic model aims to empower indigenous pastoralist women to get the right skills in production to improve their competitiveness and inject start-up capital into the economy.

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Kenya National Library service

The Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) is one of the Government’s State Agencies that is currently under the Ministry of Gender, Culture, the Arts and Heritage. The Library’s functions, as defined by the KNLS Board Act Cap 225 of 1965 - revised [Act No. 12 of 1984], include: ensuring that the national documentary resources relating to Kenya and Kenyan people are collected, preserved, and made accessible at the National Library facilities, in the virtual library platform, or through collaborative arrangements with other libraries.

Cap 225, among other Key functions, mandates the Board to promote, establish, equip, manage, maintain, and develop libraries in Kenya as a National Library Service. Being the national bibliographic agency, KNLS is a rich repository of all the books published: in Kenya; and abroad by Kenyans or about Kenya. This facilitates the publication of a comprehensive Kenya National Bibliography and, thus, contributes to the preservation of Kenya’s diverse culture and heritage for present and future generations. KNLS’ work is essential for research, education, and the advancement of a knowledge economy.

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The Kenya Cultural Centre

Kenya Cultural Centre incorporating Kenya National Theatre (KCC-NT) is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency established by the Kenya Cultural Centre Act CAP 218 and mandated to provide a Centre for the use and enjoyment of the citizens of Kenya and to provide for the performance of music, drama and dancing, for the exhibition of works of art and craft and the holding of meetings for discussion of matters of literary, historical, scientific or educational interest or importance, and connected purposes as may be approved by the Governing Council. KCC-NT is the nation’s oldest state cultural institution and is currently administered under the Ministry of Gender, Culture, The Arts and Heritage.

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Permanent Presidential Music Commission

The Permanent Presidential Music Commission (PPMC) is a government department whose mandate is to coordinate music and dance activities in the country and spearhead the development of the same from mere entertainment activities into a stable industry. The commission was formed through Kenya Gazette notice No. 2132 of April 1988.It was mandated to implement the report of a task force established to look into the development and preservation of music and dance in Kenya, covering the areas of music education, music research, music in the media, music performances, musicians’ rights and obligations and preservation and conservation of the music and heritage of Kenya, among others.

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Kenya Copyrights Board

The Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) is a State Corporation, It was established by section 3 of the Copyright Act 2001 and mandated with the administration and enforcement of copyright and related rights. The Board is responsible for organizing legislation on copyright and related rights; conducting training programmes on copyright and related rights; enlightening and informing the public on matters related to copyright; licensing and supervising the activities of collective management societies; and maintaining an effective databank on authors and their works.

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